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Saturday, August 29, 2009 @ 1:32 PM
280809 ` 五月天 DNA 演唱会

Lisha here .
Finally updated blog .
Haha ;DDD
Thks JOANNE & MICHELLE to help me update blog also .

Went 五月天 DNA 演唱会 at Kallang Indoor Stadium
with Lidan , Joanne & Michelle .
& thks Michelle for the ticket ! (:

Was late to meet them . (So sorry for that)
Then Michelle is the first one who reached .
Followed by Me , Joanne & Lidan .
We three very together reach loh .
Then we took cab go there .

Went we reach there ,
we walked one big round to the east entrance loh .
All thks to the marshall that told us that that way is the "shorter" way .
Then we go inside the entrance ,
The security checked our bag ,
thn michelle very funny loh ,
coz her bag got a lot of zips mah ,
thn the security open all the zips up
& ask michelle why her bag so many zips .
thn we at there laugh .

When the concert started ,
There was lots of screams all around .
Thn very cool loh .
The curtain just drop off from the stage .
At first we not that hyper de .
Then after that suddenly hyper up .
Then we at there sing sing sing , scream scream scream .
sing until 12 thn end .

After that Lidan cabbed home .
Michelle , Joanne & me walked to Kallang mac .
Then michelle go off first coz her mother fetch her home .
Me & Joanne at mac eat .
Then Joanne's father came & fetch both of us .
Thks Joanne's father for fetching me home . (:

Really enjoyed myself at the concert .

Tags Replies
Sandra : Thks for tagging me !
Michelle : Lol . Haha , Thks for updating my blog anyway ! meloveesyoutoo<333
Joanne : Thks for updating my blog ! (: metooloveesyou ! <33
HuiShi : Helloo too ! (:
Emily : Relinkked !

Happiness is loved !